Aug 8, 2022
New funding available for research using OHS data
A new funding opportunity from the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research (CIHR-ICR) is available and provides up to $500,000 to use provincial data from the OHS, or to use pan-Canadian data from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath). Up to $100,000 over one year will be awarded for a single grant.
The goal of this priority funding announcement is to use data from either CanPath, which includes the OHS, or CANUE (the Canadian Urban Environmental Health Research Consortium). The grant must use data from OHS/CanPath or CANUE as a principal data source for the research.
Proposals should be relevant to CIHR-ICR's mandate, related to reducing the burden of cancer through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, effective treatments, psycho-social support systems, and palliation.
Register by August 17, 2022. Learn more on ResearchNet.