We’ve made some changes to our website!
Nov 23, 2016 // Study Updates
As you may have noticed, we’ve made some updates to the OHS website to coincide with the launch of our first follow-up questionnaire. In addition to an updated look-and-feel, we have also refreshed our content to make sure the information we provide is simpler, more informative, and easier to find.
OHS Celebrates Study Centre Milestones
Nov 15, 2016 // Study Updates
This past fall, OHS Local Study Centres reached and surpassed several important milestones with a recent run of locations in Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay, Pembroke, London and McMaster. As of November 1st, the Study has successfully operated over 50 Study Centre locations in communities across Ontario and collected over 35,000 blood samples.
Following up on your feedback
Nov 15, 2016 // Study Updates
When we asked for ideas about how we could make participating in the Study easier in our June newsletter, many of you answered that call. We wanted to get back to you and let you know how we’ve used your feedback and to answer a few of the more common questions.
Please update your contact info for the Ontario Health Study
Nov 4, 2016 // Study Updates
One of the most important challenges in a long-term study is keeping in touch with participants to collect up-to-date information. As the study continues into the future with follow-up questionnaires and other initiatives, it is important that we are able to communicate with our participants. In order to ensure we are able to reach you, we ask that you please add a contact phone number to your account.